
Noah's Hoedown

My nephew had an Autumn Harvest birthday extravaganza I wanted to share with you lovely celebraters. His mother had all manner of sweet farming, hoedown happiness happening. Everywhere you looked there was farm fun, which is perfect since they live in a beautiful rural bubble in the middle of the normal world. And If you can't tell, we had a blast.

I supplied some pumpkin pie-pops. Stay tuned this week for a pie-pop tutorial!

I don't believe you've met My Buddy
The hilarious birthday boy
My farm-loving family


  1. A good time for sure, sweetened by your beautiful family and yummy pie pops!

  2. I'm glad Laura linked to your blog because I didn't know it existed! Your pumpkin pie pops have piqued my interest. I will stay tuned for news of your cure little family and to learn more about these intriging pops.

  3. The pumpkin pie pops were a perfect pairing of autumn flavors. The adorable Sanders/Stika offspring made for a delighful event, and I especially liked the fine athletic technique desplayed in the gunny sack races. I'll be watching for that tutorial!

  4. what a darling little family you have. all that food is making my mouth water. wish that spread was at my house and i didn't have to figure out what to cook for dinner. blah.

  5. Darcie, you are such a talented woman. I had no idea that you made cakes too! How fun!
